Top Down Analysis
Time (NY)
7:00-9:00 pm Asia
00:00 NY DO
2:00-5:00 am London KZ
7:00-10:00 am NY
8:30 am - 11:00 am NY AM session; usual time for operations, but sometimes it can be extended to NY lunch (12:00 pm). He doesn’t take trades after noon. It’s better to wait till 13:30-16:00 (14:00 - 15:00 usually forms setup in the afternoon trend)
9:30 am Equity Opening
12:00-13:00 am Lunch time (no trades)
13:30-16:30 Index Futures PM session. He looks for price to form swing H/L; this time algorithm macro starts running.
16:30 close charts
2:00-5:00 am — if there was a big move during overnight don't expect a lot
Liquidity Grab
Market Structure Shift
It is formed by 3 candles. Candle №2 has FVG. Entry is made when price returns above the high of the 3rd candle, stop is above candle №1.
If there are several, we choose the one, which is in discount for long and premium for short; Put fib on the displacement leg.
FVG+OB in OTE — gold standard of this pattern.
If there is no IMB just use Premium/Discount to enter after MSS (Market Structure Shift)
ICT doesn't look simply for HH+HL structure for bullish market to enter (for up trend). Does the market has a reason to go up for BSL or Buy Stops or to rebalance an IMB (FVG)?
Is it likely to go lower to sweep out STL/H (Short Term Lows/Highs), FVG?
What it is likely to do now?